

Product information


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  • 293.9k people live here
  • Area: 179km²
A bench sitting in front of a tall sculpture

Good Things in Blumenau


Beach Volleyball
⚽️ Soccer
🎾 Tennis
🏀 Basketball
🏃 Running
🏊 Swimming
🏋️ Gym Infrastructure
🏐 Volleyball
🛹 Skateboard

Cost of living in Blumenau

Cost of Living (Couple)

Approximate cost for a couple including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Cost of Living (Family)

Approximate cost for a family including groceries, rent, transportation, lifestyle costs and parenting fee for one child

Cost of Living (1 Person)

Approximate cost for a single person including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Popular things to do in Blumenau

Alles Park

Avenida 21 de Janeiro 1940, Pomerode

Praça Hercílio Luz

Locomotiva Macuca

Museu Hering

Rua Hermann Hering 1740, Blumenau

Museu de Hábitos e Costumes

Rua XV de Novembro 25

Museu da Família Colonial

Alameda Duque de Caxias 78

Museu da Cerveja

Rua XV de Novembro 160

Museu Fritz Müller

Rua Itajaí 2195

Casa Johannastift

Alameda Rio Branco 165

Casa Iluminada de Martim Grodiski

Rua Antonina

Palácio Planetapéia

Rua das Missões 71

Antigo Frohsinn Extra Gut

Rua Gertrud Sierich 1

Campanário da Igreja Matriz

Cemitério dos Gatos

Ponte Aldo Pereira de Andrade

1º Prédio do Museu Hering

Casa do Escultor Ervin Curt Teichmann

Rua XV de Novembro 791

Mausoléu Doutor Blumenau

Rua XV de Novembro

Glas Park

Rua Rudolf Roedel 233

Museu da Água

Museu de Arte de Blumenau


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