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Cirebon, in Indonesia, is a city with many interesting things to see and do, but it has its own challenges. If you don’t speak Bahasa Indonesia, understanding the culture can be hard. A visitor from the UK had to use sign language to order food, which made for some amusing moments at local restaurants. Keep cash with you, but be aware that you might get less food than you thought—ordering a double portion could help satisfy your hunger! The local culture is full of good street food that offers a taste of Cirebon’s dishes. Be ready for some small difficulties, like not many people speaking English, which can make talking harder. Many people find the cost of living affordable, but foreigners sometimes pay more. In terms of safety, locals usually feel safe, but it’s best to stay alert to your surroundings. For a great experience, engage with local customs, visit busy markets, and meet the friendly locals—just keep your expectations reasonable!

  • 254.3k people live here
  • Area: 693km²
a reflection of a building in a pool of water

Good Things in Cirebon


Education Hub
High Quality Of Life
☀️ Stable Climate
⚡️ Electricity Infrastructure
⛱️ Great for Leisure
🌤️ Comfortable Climate
🏢 Startup Hub
👶 Family Friendly
📰 Media Freedom
🗣️ English Friendly
😁 Happy City
🚗 Easy to commute
🚨 General Safety
🚶‍♂️‍➡️ Pedestrian Friendly
🛜 Internet Access
🥗 Safe food
🥷 Low Crime

Climate in Cirebon

Monthly temperature in 2023 (°C)

Monthly precipitation in 2023 (mm)

Popular things to do in Cirebon

Museum Pusaka Keraton Kasepuhan

Jalan Kasepuhan 15, Cirebon

Museum Gedung Pusaka Keraton Kanoman Cirebon

Jalan Merdeka, Kebonbaru

Museum Bahari Sarwajala

Jalan Ambon, Cirebon

Museum Pangeran Cakrabuwana Kabupaten Cirebon

Jalan Sunan Drajat, Cirebon

Trupark Museum

Jalan Syekh Datul Kahfi, Cirebon

Situs Arca Pejambon

Jalan Ki Ageng Tapa, Watubelah

Museum Kereta Singa Barong

Jalan Ray Jaga Satru, Cirebon

Jagakali International Art Festival #7

Kalijaga - Harjamukti, Cirebon

JnJ Resto

Jl.Bojong - Linggarjati, Kuningan


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