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Constanța is a busy place on Romania's Black Sea coast, especially during the summer. When the weather gets warm, prices go up, especially in Mamaia, which can be as costly as New York City. If you want a lively beach, Mamaia has nice sands, but expect lots of people in the busy season. While Mamaia is active in the summer, some visitors find the rest of Constanța quieter in the off-season. The old casino is interesting, even if the nearby buildings aren't very nice. Beach lovers will enjoy good internet and summer activities, but after September, it may feel a bit empty with fewer events. Public transportation may not be very good, so it’s a good idea to walk or rent a bike to get around. Language can be a problem, but local people are usually nice. If you want a mix of activity and peace, Constanța is a good place to visit!

  • 303.4k people live here
  • Area: 44km²
people walking on street near white concrete building during daytime

Good Things in Constanța


Education Hub
High Quality Of Life
☀️ Stable Climate
⚡️ Electricity Infrastructure
⛱️ Great for Leisure
🌤️ Comfortable Climate
🏢 Startup Hub
🏥 Medical Infrastructure
👶 Family Friendly
📰 Media Freedom
🗣️ English Friendly
😁 Happy City
🚗 Easy to commute
🚨 General Safety
🚶‍♂️‍➡️ Pedestrian Friendly
🛜 Internet Access
🥗 Safe food
🥷 Low Crime

Climate in Constanța

Monthly temperature in 2023 (°C)

Monthly precipitation in 2023 (mm)

Cost of living in Constanța

Cost of Living (Couple)

Approximate cost for a couple including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Cost of Living (Family)

Approximate cost for a family including groceries, rent, transportation, lifestyle costs and parenting fee for one child

Cost of Living (1 Person)

Approximate cost for a single person including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Popular things to do in Constanța

Constanța Casino

Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta 4, Constanța

National History and Archaeology Museum

The first attempts at founding a museum at Constanta date from the first half of the last century. However, only after having won the independence, ancient vestiges became a matter of interest for the Romanian Academy and the city administration. Remus O

Piața Ovidiu 12, Constanța

The Mosque of Constanța

Strada Adrian Rădulescu 1, Constanța

Roman Baths

Bulevardul Termele Romanilor, Constanța

Museum of the Romanian Navy

Strada Traian 53, Constanța

Roman Agora Museum

The mosaic pavement building lies on terrace B. Only 850 sq.m. of the pavement has been preserved. Terrace A represents the ancient place of dwelling, while terrace C constitutes the storehouse floor (11 vaulted ceiling rooms). On the same storey, close

Piața Ovidiu 12, Constanța

Geamia Hunchiar

Museum of the Sea

The Museum of the Sea functioned between 1971 and 1976 in a special building on the casino sea wall. Later the entire collection moved.

Bulevardul Mamaia 255, Constanța

Casa cu Lei

Strada Gheorghe Dumitraşcu 1, Constanța

Farul Genovez

Strada Remus Opreanu 17, Constanța

Folk Art Museum

In 1975 the folk art collection was founded within the Art Museum of Constanta, and in 1980 it became a section of its own. Since 1985 the acquisitions have been oriented towards the other ethnographic areas. Since 1990 it has been a fully independent in

Bulevardul Tomis 32, Constanța

Art Museum

Founded on the basis of the painting and sculpture collection from the picture gallery of the Constanta City Hall, the museum was further enriched by works transferred from the National Art Museum and acquisitions and donations from M. Bunescu, I. Jalea,

Bulevardul Tomis 82-84, Constanța

"Ion Jalea" Sculpture Museum

It was founded on the basis of the artist's donations.

Strada Arhiepiscopiei 26, Constanța

Complexul Muzeal de Științe ale Naturii Constanța

Bulevardul Mamaia 255, Constanța

Museum of Constanta Harbour

incinta Port, Dana 0, Constanța

"King Ferdinand I" National Military Museum. Constanta Branch

Prelungirea Liliacului 1-3, Constanța

Museum of the Romanian Democratic Union of Turkish-Muslim Tartars

Strada Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu 53, Constanța

Parc arheologic „Locuirea citadină Tomis”

Satul de Vacanță

Complex Europa

The Mosque of Constanta

It is an architectural monument of the city, the main Muslim edifice. It was built by the Romanian state in 1910. It was designed by the great Romanian inventor, engineer Gogu Constantinescu, and carried out by architect Victor Stefanescu. The building...


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