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Gdańsk is a city that mixes history with some modern life. It is located on Poland's northern coast and has an old town that many visitors like. Some people feel it is smaller than other European cities. While the old town is nice, the areas around it can seem a bit run-down. If you enjoy being outside, the city is nice, especially in the parks where there is fresh air and nature. For getting around, the public transport is good, with a train that connects different parts of the city. However, on sunny days, be ready for crowds, especially by the sea! Many locals try to stay away from the busy beach areas during summer, which may seem strange because Gdańsk is by the coast. If you are new to the city, be sure to visit the Museum of the Second World War and the Shakespeare Theatre—there are many cultural activities! A helpful tip is to learn a few Polish phrases, as there may be language challenges. Explore Gdańsk, and you might discover a lot to enjoy!

  • 461.9k people live here
  • Area: 265km²
a crowd of people walking in a city

Good Things in Gdansk


Beach Volleyball
⚽️ Soccer
⛷️ Skiing
🎾 Tennis
🏀 Basketball
🏁 Karting
🏃 Running
🏊 Swimming
🏋️ Gym Infrastructure
🏐 Volleyball
🏓 Table Tennis
🏹 Archery
🛶 Canoeing
🛹 Skateboard
🥾 Hiking
🧗 Climbing


Diversity Inclusiveness
🎭 Culturally Inclusive
🏘️ Collectivism society
👩 Women Safety
🧫 Multicultural Friendliness
🪩 Vibrant Nightlife


Education Hub
High Quality Of Life
☀️ Stable Climate
⚡️ Electricity Infrastructure
⛱️ Great for Leisure
🌤️ Comfortable Climate
🏢 Startup Hub
🏥 Medical Infrastructure
👶 Family Friendly
📰 Media Freedom
🗣️ English Friendly
😁 Happy City
🚗 Easy to commute
🚨 General Safety
🚶‍♂️‍➡️ Pedestrian Friendly
🛜 Internet Access
🥗 Safe food
🥷 Low Crime

Cost of living in Gdansk

Cost of Living (Couple)

Approximate cost for a couple including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Cost of Living (Family)

Approximate cost for a family including groceries, rent, transportation, lifestyle costs and parenting fee for one child

Cost of Living (1 Person)

Approximate cost for a single person including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Popular things to do in Gdansk

St Mary’s Church

Podkramarska 5, Gdańsk

Golden gate

Wełniarska 27, Gdańsk

Bazylika Świętego Mikołaja

Świętojańska 72, Gdańsk

Bazylika Archikatedralna Trójcy Świętej

Cystersów 5, Gdańsk

St Elizabeth Church

Elżbietańska 1, Gdańsk

Bazylika Świętej Brygidy

Profesorska 15, Gdańsk

St. Catherine’s Church

Profesorska 6, Gdańsk

Kościół pw. Świętej Barbary

Długie Ogrody 19, Gdańsk

Gdansk main train station

Podwale Grodzkie 2, Gdańsk

Brama Żuraw

Szeroka 67/68, Gdańsk

National Museum in Gdańsk

Toruńska 1, Gdańsk

Kościół pw. Świętego Józefa

Bielańska 2, Gdańsk

Kościół pw. Świętego Jana

Świętojańska 51, Gdańsk

Artus Court

Długi Targ 44, Gdańsk

Kaplica Królewska

Świętego Ducha 58, Gdańsk

Wieża Więzienna

Targ Węglowy 26, Gdańsk

Złota Kamienica

Długi Targ 41/42, Gdańsk

Nowy Port

Przemysłowa 5, Gdańsk

Baszta Kotwiczników

Kotwiczników 20, Gdańsk

New Town Hall

Wały Jagiellońskie 1, Gdańsk

Hala Targowa

Plac Dominikański 1/2, Gdańsk


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