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  • 409.4k people live here
  • Area: 54km²
a yellow flower in front of a tall building

Cost of living in Kursk

Cost of Living (Couple)

Approximate cost for a couple including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Cost of Living (Family)

Approximate cost for a family including groceries, rent, transportation, lifestyle costs and parenting fee for one child

Cost of Living (1 Person)

Approximate cost for a single person including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Popular things to do in Kursk

Сергиево-Казанский кафедральный собор

Палата бояр Рамодановских

улица Пионеров 6, Курск

Линево озеро

Сад пастора

Статуя Божией Матери

Музей Археологии

Литературный музей

Садовая улица 21, Курск

Краеведческий музей

улица Луначарского 6, Курск

Курск-город воинской славы

улица Карла Маркса 58


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