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  • 206.6k people live here
  • Area: 55km²
a view of a city with a ferris wheel in the distance

Cost of living in Oradea

Cost of Living (Couple)

Approximate cost for a couple including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Cost of Living (Family)

Approximate cost for a family including groceries, rent, transportation, lifestyle costs and parenting fee for one child

Cost of Living (1 Person)

Approximate cost for a single person including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Popular things to do in Oradea

Baroque Palace

Bulevardul Dacia 1-3, Oradea

The Town Hall Tower

Strada Tudor Vladimirescu 3, Oradea

Oradea Zoological Garden

Calea Matei Basarab 30, Oradea

Palatul Vulturul Negru

"Iosif Vulcan" Memorial Museum

The musem was founded in the house were Iosif Vulcan lived.

Strada Iosif Vulcan 14, Oradea

"Ady Endre" Memorial Museum

Founded in the former Müllerei café, frequented by the poet.

Strada Parcul Traian 1, Oradea

"Aurel Lazar" Memorial House

Strada Aurel Lazăr 13, Oradea

Șirul Canonicilor

Strada Șirul Canonilor, Oradea

Criș Land Museum

Between 1872 - 1896, functioned the Museum of the History and Archaeology Society of the Bihor county. In 1896 the Museum was opened in a place of its own, and in 1921 the museum was reopened. In 1948 it became state property. Between 1950 - 1970 it func

Oradea Fortress

Oradea Orthodox Bishopric Museum Collection

Strada Episcop Roman Ciorogariu 3, Oradea

Casa „Darvas-La Roche”

Casa Poynár

Romano-Catholic Bishopric Museum Collection of Oradea

The exhibits include rare books, decorative art and fine arts items.

King Ferdinand I National Military Museum. Oradea Branch

The collection includes military items: weapons, uniforms, medals, documents, and photos. Many documents and objects were donated by veterans of the 11th Infantry Division in Oradea and their families while others belonged to the National Military Muse...

Muzeul Istoriei Evreilor din Oradea

Strada Primăriei 25, Oradea

History Museum of Oradea Citadel

La Ciuperca


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