

Product information


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  • 290.0k people live here
  • Area: 98km²
aerial photo of city buildings during daytime

Climate in Paulista

Monthly temperature in 2023 (°C)

Cost of living in Paulista

Cost of Living (Couple)

Approximate cost for a couple including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Cost of Living (Family)

Approximate cost for a family including groceries, rent, transportation, lifestyle costs and parenting fee for one child

Cost of Living (1 Person)

Approximate cost for a single person including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Popular things to do in Paulista

Pau Amarelo Fort

Rua Pasquistão S/N, Paulista

Veneza Water Park

Avenida Doutor Cláudio José Gueiros Leite 10050, Paulista

Aldeia Water Park

Avenida General Newton Cavalcante, Camaragibe

Veneza Water Park;160208

Veneza Water Park;160277

Restaurante Galeão

Piscina Com Ondas


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