Ponta Grossa


Product information


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  • 292.2k people live here
  • Area: 201km²
vehicles near buildings at night time

Climate in Ponta Grossa

Monthly temperature in 2023 (°C)

Cost of living in Ponta Grossa

Cost of Living (Couple)

Approximate cost for a couple including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Cost of Living (Family)

Approximate cost for a family including groceries, rent, transportation, lifestyle costs and parenting fee for one child

Cost of Living (1 Person)

Approximate cost for a single person including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Popular things to do in Ponta Grossa

Parque Aquático Sítio São João

Rua João Marcelino Madalozzo, Ponta Grossa

Recanto Monteiro - Parque Aquático e Lazer

Rua Siriri 66, Ponta Grossa

Estação Saudade

Avenida Fernandes Pinheiro

Mansion Vila Hilda

Caverna da Chaminé

Caverna Fenda Nova

Caverna do Opilião

Gruta da Inspirada

Capela Santa Bárbara

Salto São Jorge

Memorial Ponto Azul

Parque Ambiental Governador Manoel Ribas

Estação Paraná Casa da Memória

Rua Benjamim Constant, Ponta Grossa


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