Seattle, WA


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Seattle is a great city for anyone who loves nature and outdoor activities. With many parks, mountains, and water views, you can find things to do all year round. The people here are usually friendly and open, but it might take some time to get to know them. The cost of living can be high, but many think it is worth it for the job opportunities and to enjoy life in the Pacific Northwest. When the sun is out, Seattle shows some of the best views in the country. There are many food options and arts to enjoy, from food trucks to nice restaurants. The city is generally safe, and nearby suburbs like Bellevue and Redmond are good for families who want a quieter place to live. Just to let you know—public transportation can be unreliable, so having a car is often a good idea. If you plan to move here, spending 3-6 months is suggested to really experience the local culture. Get ready to enjoy the mix of city life and the outdoors!

  • 755.1k people live here
  • Area: 224km²
CN Tower, Toronto Canada


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