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Yogyakarta, or Jogja as the locals call it, is a city that appeals to everyone who visits. It's a lively place full of culture and history, where busy streets are full of art. You will see beautiful temples and traditional markets that attract you with their colors and smells. However, it is not always perfect. Some people say that the city can feel a bit crowded, and others notice that cleanliness is not always great. If you prefer things to be organized, the busy atmosphere might be a little much! Living in Jogja is generally cheap, with a cost of living that is reasonable. Public transport can be difficult, so renting a bike or using local ojek (motorcycle taxis) might be the best choice. Safety is pretty good, but like anywhere, watch your belongings. Make sure to check out the local customs and try the tasty street food. Enjoy the lively vibe, and you might really like this interesting, if somewhat messy, city!

  • 636.7k people live here
  • Area: 33km²
a city street filled with lots of traffic

Good Things in Yogyakarta


Education Hub
High Quality Of Life
☀️ Stable Climate
⚡️ Electricity Infrastructure
⛱️ Great for Leisure
🌤️ Comfortable Climate
🏢 Startup Hub
🏥 Medical Infrastructure
👶 Family Friendly
📰 Media Freedom
🗣️ English Friendly
😁 Happy City
🚗 Easy to commute
🚨 General Safety
🚶‍♂️‍➡️ Pedestrian Friendly
🛜 Internet Access
🥗 Safe food
🥷 Low Crime

Climate in Yogyakarta

Monthly temperature in 2023 (°C)

Cost of living in Yogyakarta

Cost of Living (Couple)

Approximate cost for a couple including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Cost of Living (Family)

Approximate cost for a family including groceries, rent, transportation, lifestyle costs and parenting fee for one child

Cost of Living (1 Person)

Approximate cost for a single person including groceries, rent, transportation and lifestyle costs

Popular things to do in Yogyakarta

Gembira Loka Zoo

Jalan Kebun Raya 2, Yogyakarta

Affandi Museum

Jalan Laksda Adisucipto 167

Royal Palace of Yogyakarta

Museum Sonobudoyo Unit I

Jl. Pangurakan No.6, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122 06, Yogyakarta

Museum Pendidikan Indonesia. MPI UNY

Jalan Colombo, Sleman

Museum Bahari Yogyakarta

Jl. R. E. Martadinata No.69, Wirobrajan, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55182 No.69, Kabupaten Bantul

Benteng Vredeburg

Jalan Margo Mulyo, Yogyakarta

Museum Sandi

Jalan Faridan Muridan Noto, Yogyakarta

Museum Monumen Pangeran Diponegoro Sasana Wiratama

Jalan Kamboja, Kota Yogyakarta

Romo Mangun Museum

Jalan Nyoman Oka, Yogyakarta

Museum Serangga UGM

Jalan Olahraga, Kota Yogyakarta

Museum Perjuangan Yogyakarta

Jalan Kolonel Sugiono, Yogyakarta

Museum RS Mata Dr Yap Prawirohusodo

Jalan Cik Di Tiro, Kota Yogyakarta

Mandala Majapahit UGM

Jalan Bhineka Tunggal Ika, Yogyakarta

Museum Pusat TNI AD "Dharma Wiratama"

Jalan Cik Ditiro, Yogyakarta

Andi Bayou Museum

Jalan Sejahtera Green Garden, Kota Yogyakarta

Museum Muhammadiyah

Ring Road Selatan, Yogyakarta

Museum Kereta Karaton

Museum Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX

Panembahan, Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55131, Yogyakarta

Museum Fort Vredeburg (Diorama 2)

Museum Fort Vredeburg (Diorama 3)


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